KIT Department of Informatics bids farewell to Prof. Walter Tichy in retirement and welcomes his successor Prof. Ina Schaefer.
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Do UML models help with maintenance? Does multi-version programming improve reliability drastically? The data says no! Find out in my essay "Debunked Software Theories“.
Read moreI moved! Since I turned 70 (unbelievable!) in April, I had to vacate room 369, my office of some 33 years, and make room for my successor, Prof. Ina Schaefer. Please join me in welcoming her!
The office has been cleaned up and refurnished by now.

How does the immune system learn to recognise an invader?
How does it distinguish between friend and foe? Is the mRNA vaccine perhaps dangerous?
Could an overproduction of virus proteins lead to an overload of the immune system?
These and other questions are answered by Dr. Evelyn Tichy, a virologist and daughter of the interviewer.
Concepts from computer science play an important role here.

Auf der in diesem Jahr zum 14. Mal stattfindenen IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2020) wurde der Beitrag “Roger that! Learning How Laypersons Teach New Functions to Intelligent Systems.” des IPD Tichy mit dem Best Paper Award ausgezeichnet
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Das Team Let's party! (Christian König, Michael Zündorf, Markus Himmel) aus dem KIT konnte sich mit 11 gelösten Aufgaben den dritten Platz sichern. Platz eins ging dieses Jahr an die Technische Universität München, Platz zwei an die Universität des Saarlandes.
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