Programmieren in natürlicher Sprache

Universal Programmability

Our Vision

Everyone has it but only few can do it! That’s how today’s use of computers can be described: Almost everyone of us carries high performance devices, such as notebooks, tablets or mobiles. However, only few users are able to unleash the potential of their devices. Mostly these users are only consumers, who are far away from designing or programming software.
Everyone can explain! Every human can explain or describe an issue and what actions are suitable to resolve a problem. We are looking for a computer system that can understand the user and can be programmed via natural language.


Today, we are far away from “Programming by describing” but we are able to generate models (e.g. UML diagrams) from written texts. We found that the Alice framework enables us to create software in a closed (but still expandable) domain. Alice is software, implemented at Carnegie Mellon University for the development of 3D animations and games. Users build 3D animations using existing objects and actions.
Alice is a programing environment for beginners. That's the reason, why the existing objects are based on things in the real world. The objects' names, properties, and methods looks like English terms. Since one works with objects from the real world, we can develop a system that generates video sequences from a natural language text. Here we use our experience in the area of software engineering, computer linguistics, and knowledge management to design a translator from English to a programming language.

What we offer

We are expanding our group in the areas of

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Knowledge management and Ontology usage
  • Source code generation
and related topics. We search for students who can work on their own initiative as an important part of our team. You are invited to bring your ideas to the table and discuss possible solutions with us. We support your thesis with frank and direct communication, and all available tools. Our project is a research project – your imagination is the limit!


Theses in our Project

No further theses are offered in this project. You will find similar topics in the following projects: