With the emergence of multicore chips (containing multiple processors), parallel programming will enter the mainstream. Since clock frequencies are no longer increasing regularly, performance-critical applications of all sorts will need to run in parallel. We develop software engineering concepts, methods, and tools for developing reliable, parallel software of all kinds. In particular, we focus on:
- Architectures/design patterns/frameworks/libraries for general-purpose parallel programs
- Autotuning
- Programming models and language extensions for multicore
- Testing and debugging of parallel programs
- Reengineering sequential programs for parallelism
- Tools and development environments for multicore software
- C't Sonderheft Supercomputer zu Hause, Nr. 7, 16.3.2009, S. 96-101
- Intel Software Network, March 4, 2009
- Software bremst Multicores aus, Computerzeitung, January 26, 2009
- Die Parallelisierung ist ein Angstthema für Programmierer, Computerzeitung, January 26, 2009
- Multicore-Herausforderung liegt in der Programmierung, Computerzeitung, January 20, 2009
- Tichy: Echte Parallelisierung erfordert neue Konzepte und Werkzeuge, Computerzeitung, January 14, 2009
- Multicore fordert die Informatik, Computerzeitung, May 19, 2008
- Deutschland und USA liefern sich Rennen um Mehrprozessor-IT, Computerzeitung, May 6, 2008
- Mehrkern-CPUs wandeln die Informatik radikal, Computerzeitung, May 5, 2008
Kontakt: PD Dr. Victor Pankratius, Prof. Dr. Walter Tichy
- Young Investigator Group "Multicore Software Engineering" (PD Dr. Victor Pankratius)
- International SEPARS Working Group