Extending Role-based Access Control for Business Usage
Heiko Klarl, Korbinian Molitorisz, Christian Emig, Karsten Klinger, Sebastian Abeck
author={Heiko Klarl, Korbinian Molitorisz, Christian Emig, Karsten Klinger, Sebastian Abeck},
title={Extending Role-based Access Control for Business Usage},
publisher={IEEE computer society},
abstract={Role-based access control (RBAC) is used for managingauthorisation in IT systems, by utilising the concept ofroles. Existing approaches do not clearly define the term"role" in its different contexts as well as not consideringthe relation between roles and business process modelling.Therefore this work introduces business and system rolebasedaccess control (B&S-RBAC). Established role-basedaccess control models are extended with a business perspectiveand the term role is defined from a business andfrom an IT perspective, resulting in business and systemroles. The relation between them is shown in a meta-modeland the usage of business roles for secure business processmodelling is explained.},
journal={3rd International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies},