On Mining Concurrency Defect-Related Reports from Bug Repositories

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  • Autoren:

    F. Padberg
    P. Pfaffe
    M. Blersch

  • Summary

    We present early findings of two ongoing case studies in which we automatically extract reports about concurrency defects from the MySQL and Apache bug repositories. To mine the unstructured reports, we apply keyword search and machine learning, using linear and non-linear classifiers. We analyze the results in detail and suggest some improvements for this mining task.

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author={F. Padberg, P. Pfaffe, M. Blersch},
title={On Mining Concurrency Defect-Related Reports from Bug Repositories},
booktitle={3rd International Workshop on Mining Unstructured Data (MUD) at WCRE 2013},
We present early findings of two ongoing case studies in which we automatically extract reports about concurrency defects from the MySQL and Apache bug repositories. To mine the unstructured reports, we apply keyword search and machine learning, using linear and non-linear classifiers. We analyze the results in detail and suggest some improvements for this mining task.},