Exploratory Comparison of Expert and Novice Pair Programmers

  • Tagung:


  • Autoren:

    Andreas Höfer 

  • Summary

    We conducted a quasi-experiment comparing novice pair programmersto experts pair programmers. The expert pairs wrote tests witha higher instruction, line, and method coverage but were slower than thenovices. The pairs within both groups switched keyboard and mousepossession frequently. Furthermore, most pairs did not share the inputdevices equally but rather had one partner who is more active than theother.

  • Jahr:


Beteiligte Mitarbeiter (zufällige Reihenfolge)
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author={Andreas H{\"o}fer},
title={Exploratory Comparison of Expert and Novice Pair Programmers},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP TC 2 Central and East Europe Conference on Software Engeneering Techniques, CEE-SET 2008},
abstract={We conducted a quasi-experiment comparing novice pair programmersto experts pair programmers. The expert pairs wrote tests witha higher instruction, line, and method coverage but were slower than thenovices. The pairs within both groups switched keyboard and mousepossession frequently. Furthermore, most pairs did not share the inputdevices equally but rather had one partner who is more active than theother.},